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Interquest Detection Canines, Inc.

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Dear School Patrons :


The Stroud Board of Education recently entered into an agreement with Interquest Detection Canines, Inc. to provide trained detection canines to conduct random, unannounced inspections of all campus locations in the  district.


These canines are trained to detect the presence of illicit drugs, alcohol, and gunpowder -based items. Campus buildings, parking lots, and grounds will be randomly inspected for prohibited items. If detected and found, the district will initiate the appropriate disciplinary    action.


These canines are non-aggressive retrieving breeds such as Golden and Labrador Retrievers. They are trained to discriminate specific "scents" of contraband items and indicate the area where the scent is detected. Interquest provides service to over 1,200 public school districts across the nation.


With the recent publicity concerning the dramatic increase in teenage drug use, the Stroud Public School is taking every reasonable precaution to insure a safe and healthy learning environment for all concerned.




Joe L. Van Tuyl Superintendent

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Stroud Public Schools720 Gillispie Ave.Stroud, OK  74079

918-968-2541Fax: 918-968-2582

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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